MGIMO is a state university specializing in international affairs. Based in Southwest Moscow, Russia, It is home to over 6 300 students and 400 professors at 13 faculties and schools.

The information kiosks help visitors, students and the staff answer such questions as:

Where is the library? What’s the Japanese class teacher’s name? What are the cafeteria hours? How do you book a conference room?

The kiosk interface complements the new wayfinding system developed earlier for the building.

The display design follows the overall navigation style. We recommend a plain-shaped hardware kiosk to host the navigation software.

Main screen

The interface is built around the floor plan:

New users are shown with immediate surroundings, with the option of scaling up the view.

If a a staff member works or gives lectures in a room, his or her photograph is shown.
Users switch floors by pressing these elevator-style buttons.
Logged in students see announcements relevant to their schedule. Like this one about the upcoming class.
Students log in with their magnetic identity cards.

Room-bound announcements

The rooms are not only wired to the class schedule, but also display announcements that used to be taped to the doors:


Students and staff access the announcements from both the floor plan and their personal pages:

Объявление, доступное на персональной странице
Green links lead to rooms and other objects on the floor plan everywhere in the design
Дать объявление!
Students post announcements for everyone or exclusively for their groupmates.

Class schedule

General section contains detailed schedules for all groups.
Расписание всех групп
Personal pages display dedicated schedules for every student.
Своё расписание на сегодня

Implementation guide

The implementation guide considers the ergonomic and visual characteristics of the hardware kiosks alongside their technical specifications. It also contains a detailed description of the software interface.

Additionally, it contains recommendations regarding the kiosk placement. They should be installed in the “decision-making areas” while being off the major walking routes: i.e. in the main lobby, in the corridors near the biggest lecture rooms, at corridor crossings.

Т-образный перекрёсток
This is where everyone on the T-cross can see the kiosk, and yet it won’t stand in anyone’s way.
Сорок страниц руководства
Forty pages of the guide

About the project

Designed by Nikita Ivanov and Tatiana Misyutina; art directed by Artem Gorbunov

Implementation guide written by Ilya Birman

We thank Vyacheslav Martynov for his help on the guide.


© 2025

Artem Gorbunov
Design Bureau

Drop us a line:

+7 495646-84-89